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Ancient Nightmare

Mount Zavain

The Ancient Nightmare is one of the Zone Events in Diablo Immortal that occurs on Mount Zavain. Read on to learn more about the Ancient Nightmare, how to find it, the event schedule and rewards, and how to start and complete the event!

The Ancient Nightmare can be found at the Misty Valley Waypoint in Mount Zavain on Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:00 PM, 8:30 PM, and 10:00 PM server time.

If you are late to the event, you may still be able to participate if the Ancient Nightmare hasn’t been defeated yet, so search around the Misty Valley. The boss’s path leads past the Altars in the area, so check nearby and keep an eye on your map for the boss icon.

Defeating the Ancient Nightmare for the first time also completes one of Mount Zavain’s Achievements that will reward you with Hilts.





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